Oferta / Human Skills

Human Skills

We are sure that the inclusion and successful implementation of sustainability and ESG into the business strategy will only be possible through properly prepared and committed managers and employees.
Sustainable management requires balancing financial aspects with environmental and human. Leaders should see and look at the big picture when making decisions. The ability to collaborate at different levels is becoming one of the critical competencies of future leaders. Implementing transformation also requires work on the part of employees’ knowledge, competencies, and attitudes.
That is why it is so essential to design change programs in combination with coaching, mentoring, and workshop support.
Working in educational and consulting processes with companies from such diverse sectors and sizes, we have developed a way of supporting and implementing development and educational projects characterized by several assumptions close to our values.

Main assumptions of Human Skills
“Evidence-based” at hand with “experience-based” – Reliable knowledge and up-to-date research with our and our clients’ actual experiences.
In our work, we make sure that we are constantly up-to-date and support educational content with the results of current research, publications, and expert knowledge so as to make it easier for clients to navigate valuable trends and content and to simplify the process of selecting what is valuable and worth knowing. Our clients must focus on what is most important, practical, and up-to-date because they only sometimes have time to choose content. Our goal is to facilitate the learning process for them, to select the right content, and to make the knowledge more attractive so that it is reliable and easily digestible.
At the same time, respecting wise research and expert knowledge, we encourage you to always relate a given theory to the realities of a given situation, team, and company, subjecting it to critical evaluation and checking how to translate its assumptions into concrete, regular actions. Just like knowledge, we are guided by real business principles and good and bad practices of ourselves and our clients. We take advantage of real-life situations because, thanks to our work, we have observed the practices of hundreds of teams and managers.
We make sure that education maintains a balance between one and the other.

In addition to what is essential in any training and educational program, we must have a certain amount of flexibility and work with the group process, i.e., what is happening between participants and what attracts their attention, because the people in the room, their way of interacting, comments and questions is often a critical actual “case study” for the here and now, which needs to be given attention and well guided.
Our trainers, having experience in business, moderation, and coaching, can work on the client’s questions and real challenges and work out solutions with a group that needs mutual inspiration and analysis rather than theory. What is essential for the customer not only in assumptions and the study of expectations but also often differs from what happens in the experience of customers “here and now” in the training room.
As creators but also participants who are constantly learning, we are sure that a large part of the educational success depends on the atmosphere we build in a group of learners and what group norms and culture of interaction we develop between each other. Whether the group is supportive of each other, offers expert knowledge, or is curious and kind to each other depends mainly on how the educational process and exercises related to building relationships and mutual knowledge are conducted.
“>This is important to us and is a kind of “investment” wisely planned and contracted with the client. This requires mutual commitment and transparent rules, which are reflected in our requirements included in the contract related to working with the camera and the group contract, without which we do not undertake learning processes.

Main development areas
The development areas identified with the client can be part of the overall business transformation or selected individually according to your needs.
Examples of topics we cover in the area of management and leadership:
The role and vision of the leader
Sustainable Leadership
Delegating tasks and empowering accountability
Sustainable management
Transforming leaders towards sustainable development
Giving and receiving feedback and difficult conversations
Motivating and building initiative and commitment in teams
Coaching style of management, mentoring, and knowledge transfer
Building and integrating a team
Emotional Intelligence in Business
Communication based on building understanding and assertiveness
Change management
Mental resilience – managing stress and emotions
Conflict management
Time & Energy Management – Personal & Team Effectiveness
Giving presentations and self-presentation
Team values – developing values or working on their practical application
Building sustainability and ESG competencies
Supporting sustainable business transformation – change management at the organizational and individual level
Talent Programs
Individual coaching
Team Coaching

We help you identify and plan key areas of transformation and then implement them effectively
The scope of changes is agreed upon individually. Each time, we ensure compliance with current and new ESG regulations.
- Leaders & Strategy
- Implementation
- ESG Metrics