Oferta / ESG


<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">From ESG Compliance to Competitive Advantage
Until recently, activities aimed at increasing the company’s attractiveness in the eyes of potential investors were mainly financial. Today, however, presenting a company as stable and capable of generating profits in the long run, with a chance for development, is based not only on such reports. A strategy that considers ESG elements or the so-called ESG strategy, i.e., several non-financial factors relating to broadly understood corporate responsibility, is also essential. This abbreviation stands for Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance – the term encompasses environmental, social, and governance activities.
New ESG reporting regulations are ushering in a new era for companies worldwide. Organizations of all sizes will be obliged to forecast and report on myriad new goals, influencing how they are perceived by investors, customers, employees, and other stakeholders.
To navigate this dynamic and complex landscape, organizations need to learn more than just how to master ESG compliance. We encourage companies to go one step further by using sustainability as a strategic advantage in the long term.
Such an approach will make ESG a long-term investment rather than a short-term cost for your business.
We help leaders and organizations identify, select, prioritize, and then implement the right metrics for their organizations.

Many companies have too many initiatives that distract from priorities and waste valuable resources and costs by failing to build company value.
In an effective ESG implementation, less is more.
We help you choose what’s relevant, not just what ESG regulations require, to leverage sustainability efforts
to achieve a net positive impact.
At Synergist, you can count on the help of an experienced team of specialists in ESG planning and implementation tailored to your needs and providing the most significant value for your organization.

We help you identify and plan key areas of transformation and then implement them effectively
The scope of changes is agreed upon individually. Each time, we ensure compliance with current and new ESG regulations.
- Leaders & Strategy
- Implementation
- ESG Metrics

The inclusion and successful implementation of sustainability and ESG into the business strategy will only be possible through properly prepared and committed managers and employees
That is why it is so essential to design change programs in combination with coaching, mentoring, and workshop support
- "Here and now" process
- Relationships - intellect and heart